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Serengeti National Park Is World Famous

The Serengeti National Park in Tanzania is world famous for the Great Wildebeest Migration. It is also famed for having the heaviest concentration of predators in the world. This vast national park, measures 14,763 square km or 5,700 square miles. It is located in the Northern Tourism Circuit of Tanzania, spanning the area between the eastern Mara Region and the northeastern Simiyu Region.

‘Serengeti’, comes from a Maasai word, ‘Siringit’ which means, “the place where the land runs on forever” or “endless plain”. The pristine Serengeti plains seem endless and is a marvel to behold.

The Serengeti National Park boasts of a variety of fauna and flora. The big cat predation action happens in the Serengeti ecosystem. Africa’s ‘Big Five’ can also be spotted in the wild, as well as the stubborn wild dog packs as they hunt systematically, simply frolic or rest.

The Great Migration

The phenomenal Great Migration is the world’s largest and also the longest land migration. The complete migration route is about 800 km (500 miles). South of this migration route covers the Ngorongoro Conservation Area where around half a million Wildebeest are born between January and March.

In March, at the onset of the dry season, the migration begins to head north. Approximately 1.5 million wildebeests, 250,000 zebras as well as smaller herds of elands and Thomson’s gazelle start moving towards Maasai Mara in Kenya. 

In April and May, the herds pass via the Western Corridor. To reach the Maasai Mara, require the herds to cross the crocodile-infested Grumeti River and Mara River.

In late October, when the dry season ends, the migrating herds start heading back to the south.

Around 250,000 wildebeests and 30,000 plains zebras die annually due to drowning, predation, exhaustion, thirst, as well as diseases.

Mara River

Flowing through Narok County in the south of Kenya to the Mara Region in the north of Tanzania, the 395km (245 mile) long Mara River is nicknamed ‘The River of Death’. This river is a great attraction for its infamous role in The Great Migration. The Mara River empties its waters into Lake Victoria.

Annually, as the crocodiles lurk for an opportunity to attack, countless wildebeest charge down the steep river banks and into the treacherous waters to the other side to seek greener pastures. Although many are killed by either crocodiles or drowning in the perilous Mara River, most wildebeests survive.

The Mara River is a vital part of the ecosystem and a crucial source for grazing animals. During periods of heavy rainfall, it can swell to double its normal size. As such, predators that cannot swim across to hunt suffer.

The river is also home to a variety of wildlife such as hippos and Nile crocodiles and many others like elephants, buffaloes, and giraffes plus the big cats. This presents great wildlife viewing opportunities all year round.

Grumeti River

Found in the Mara Region of Tanzania and situated almost entirely within the remote western corridor of the Serengeti National Park, the Grumeti River is the initial obstacle for animals taking The Great Migration. This river also drains its waters in Lake Victoria.

Along with the Mara River, the Grumeti River is also famed for its crucial role it plays in The Great Migration. Wildebeests, Zebras, as well as smaller herds of elands and Thompson’s gazelles plunge into the crocodile infested river in a bid to cross to the other side in search of grazing pastures.

The best period to witness this spectacle is in May and June. However, the western corridor of the Serengeti National Park always presents awesome game viewing opportunities.

Hot Air Balloon Safaris In Serengeti National Park

Gliding in a Hot Air Balloon on a safari in the Serengeti National Park presents an awe-inspiring lifetime experience.

Gentling gliding over the scenic Serengeti offers a bird’s eye view of the surroundings. The flora and fauna below in their diversity offer a truly breathtaking and memorable experience.

Hot Air Balloon rides start at sunrise and the flight may last for one and half hours depending on the weather.

June to October during the dry season is the ideal period for these flights although some will still be available during the rain season. With extreme winds and heavy rains, the flight cannot take off.

The Black Rhinos Of Serengeti National Park

The Serengeti National Park had 700 documented black rhinos in the early seventies. Frankfurt Zoological Society documented this, unfortunately, the number rapidly dwindled to near extinction due to rampart poaching.

In 1993, a survey indicated that only 3 black rhinos were living in the Serengeti National Park’s Moru Kopjes area.

A 2013 estimate by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITIES), showed that a paltry 133 black rhinos were left in Tanzania.

The Tanzania National Parks Authority (Tanapa), working in conjunction with the Frankfurt Zoological Society, established the first rhino conservation project in the Moru Kopjes. Consequently, 9 black rhinos were reintroduced in Serengeti National Park in September, 2019.

Tanzania celebrated the birth of the ‘first’ black rhino in the wild, the following year, in August of 2020. So far, efforts on the conservation of the iconic eastern black rhino are yielding some positive results.

These huge animals, with adult males weighing between 800 and 1,400kgs (1,764-3,087lbs.) are one of ‘The Big Five’ of Africa. To behold them in the wild is really a great experience!

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